Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Year's Eve...

I thought I took more pictures on New Year's Eve, but I only took pictures of our lunch stop at Gulick and our family dinner later that night.  If you go to Gulick, get an extra big serving of the fried tofu. 
My usual order: teriyaki mahi, fried tofu, chow fun, and chiso musubi.
We were actually at Gulick to pick up maki and cone sushi for our New Year's Eve dinner feast at my mom's house.  Here's a shot of the said sushi, surrounded by tons of other food.
 Some champagne to celebrate at midnight.
Happy new year! Looking forward to getting in shape, saving some money, and traveling in the new year.  I think I may have said the same thing last year, but there's some renewed optimism with the start of 2012.

Gulick Delicatessen
1512 Gulick Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96819 
(808) 847-1461

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