Sunday, January 22, 2012

Puppy update

So I've been able to visit the puppies every weekend since they were born.  They are growing so fast! At 3 weeks, their eyes were open and the siblings seemed to be playing with each other. 
Baby girl at 3 weeks...

Chubby Brother is not as photogenic.  He usually has his head down, because he's snoozing.  When he's picked up, he turns into a wiggle worm.

Here's baby girl at 4 weeks.  She's really responding to sound and voices.  I think she has a dainty girly face.

Here's her handsome brother.  He's got a big old noggin like his daddy.

They snuggle with each other, while sleeping.  Who needs a pillow?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Monday was a holiday

I REALLY didn't want to go back to work after my week-long vacation of holiday dinners, lunches with friends, and lying on the couch for mid-day naps.  The last day of my vacation was Monday, and my only request was to drive around the island.  I haven't done this in years, and I feel like I should do this more regularly.  It's such a great reminder to slow down and enjoy the surrounding beauty.  

Chinaman's Hat in the distance.   

I really wanted to have some shrimp from a shrimp truck in Kahuku.  There's shrimp farms aplenty, and lots of trucks along the way. Giovanni's had a mob of people that we were not willing to bare.  
Romy's had a ridiculously long wait for their food, so we decided to see what other trucks we could find. 

 Finally, we stopped at Fumi's.  No line.  We figured that shrimp is shrimp.  How different could it be? 
We got a spicy plate, and a garlic butter one.  These were $12 each.  Have I tasted better shrimp?  Probably.  As my dad said, "It's hard to mess up shrimp," but when in Kahuku, you just have to eat shrimp.  

For those of you who don't agree that "shrimp is shrimp," I found this YouTube video made by some local foodies, reviewing the different trucks.  Hard core.
This is where the shrimp swim.  A gold mine for shrimp truck owners.
The trek started in Kaneohe, and I decided to skip Hale'iwa, as waves were high and traffic was bad.  As we headed back into town, Bruce suggested that we stop in Aiea for shave ice.  We ended up at Samurai for soft serve.  This was a small strawberry/banana.  Huge and awesome!  I'm still kind of thinking about it.  I might have to stop by again this weekend.
Such a great day with my dad and Bruce.  My two favorite dudes.  Counting the days till my next vacation.

99-115 Aiea Heights Dr
Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 484-2200

New Year's Eve...

I thought I took more pictures on New Year's Eve, but I only took pictures of our lunch stop at Gulick and our family dinner later that night.  If you go to Gulick, get an extra big serving of the fried tofu. 
My usual order: teriyaki mahi, fried tofu, chow fun, and chiso musubi.
We were actually at Gulick to pick up maki and cone sushi for our New Year's Eve dinner feast at my mom's house.  Here's a shot of the said sushi, surrounded by tons of other food.
 Some champagne to celebrate at midnight.
Happy new year! Looking forward to getting in shape, saving some money, and traveling in the new year.  I think I may have said the same thing last year, but there's some renewed optimism with the start of 2012.

Gulick Delicatessen
1512 Gulick Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96819 
(808) 847-1461